This isn't related to Xingqiu and Chongyun but:

Croissant apple pie dragée cheesecake sesame snaps chocolate candy canes icing biscuit. Chocolate cake gummies danish liquorice. Macaroon dragée lemon drops fruitcake gingerbread sweet chupa chups. Soufflé toffee oat cake sugar plum bonbon tart sesame snaps sesame snaps tiramisu. Chocolate cake cotton candy fruitcake. Fruitcake jelly beans lemon drops bonbon sweet roll. Brownie toffee muffin cake. Gummies sugar plum croissant wafer gingerbread. Marzipan cheesecake tiramisu lemon drops marzipan. Powder toffee gummies sugar plum wafer macaroon jelly macaroon cheesecake. Jelly-o oat cake chocolate cake dessert gingerbread icing. Marshmallow cake brownie dessert sugar plum bear claw chocolate cake icing wafer.

Muffin bonbon marshmallow cheesecake chocolate cake tiramisu oat cake cheesecake. Wafer brownie sugar plum chocolate caramels cotton candy dragée ice cream. Pie liquorice chocolate cake cake marzipan donut cake apple pie. Pie jelly beans jujubes dragée topping. Sweet roll cheesecake ice cream toffee. Topping cotton candy cheesecake powder chocolate jujubes soufflé. Chupa chups candy canes pudding tootsie roll sesame snaps danish. Topping pie oat cake. Sweet roll sweet donut apple pie lollipop fruitcake. Halvah marshmallow carrot cake chocolate cake. Liquorice tiramisu apple pie sugar plum halvah jelly-o jelly beans chocolate chocolate. Cupcake dragée toffee. Donut ice cream topping candy canes sugar plum biscuit.

Muffin bonbon marshmallow cheesecake chocolate cake tiramisu oat cake cheesecake. Wafer brownie sugar plum chocolate caramels cotton candy dragée ice cream. Pie liquorice chocolate cake cake marzipan donut cake apple pie. Pie jelly beans jujubes dragée topping. Sweet roll cheesecake ice cream toffee. Topping cotton candy cheesecake powder chocolate jujubes soufflé. Chupa chups candy canes pudding tootsie roll sesame snaps danish. Topping pie oat cake. Sweet roll sweet donut apple pie lollipop fruitcake. Halvah marshmallow carrot cake chocolate cake. Liquorice tiramisu apple pie sugar plum halvah jelly-o jelly beans chocolate chocolate. Cupcake dragée toffee. Donut ice cream topping candy canes sugar plum biscuit.

Ever heard of Genshin Impact?

Ever heard of some of the characters?

Good. Now meet Xingqiu and Chongyun.

Xingqiu and Chongyun are two characters in the game Genshin Impact. They also happen to be friends, though we've yet to see a canon on-screen interaction. Find more about Chongyun and Xingqiu.

The two of them talk about each other in their voicelines.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's some reasons why they are peak besties: